Impact on children of participation in
TV shows as child artists. This program focused
on the serious issue
of child participation in TV Shows. Dr. Ravi Malik
spoke on the detrimental effects of children taking an active part in TV shows.
He stressed that such an experience, with bright lights and loud sound, can
affect their eyesight, hearing and mental
faculties, if not monitored appropriately.
He advised that small children, who are especially emotionally attached to
their mothers, should not be involved in
reality shows for television. For older children such an experience
can be distracting and make it difficult for them
to focus on their studies.
NEWS 24 – 23rd Sep. 2009 at 7:00-8:00pm
NEWS 24 – 23rd Sep. 2009 at 7:00-8:00pm
Encephalitis - An introduction to paediatric disease. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on the condition of encephalitis, also known as brain fever, which is fatal in children. It is a viral disease that spreads with the bite of mosquito or by respiratory tract infection. In children mortality rate is 30% or above and those who survive suffer from some form of nervous disability. Dr. Malik narrated an incident of the spread of this disease by mosquito bites in the damp atmosphere where litchis are grown.
India-TV - 22nd June 2011, at 5:00-5:30pm
Need for balanced diet an essential component of paediatric growth. In this program Dr. Ravi Malik discussed and gave his opinion regarding the need for healthy and balanced diet, and its importance for the growth and development of children. He also cautioned against the consumption of junk food, which is common to the young generation. A healthy body is essential to hold a healthy mind and spirit.
IBN 7- 9th Dec. 2009 at 2:00-2:30pm
Influence of astrology on career a debate The program highlighted the blind and irrational faith that people place on astrology and its so called impact on career. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on the topic of astrology and its impact on career choices. He explained that only hard work will pay good results rather than sitting and waiting for fortune to come home as per astrology. He advised viewers to not place blind faith on astrology and instead work hard on any study or work option they choose.
Pneumonia in children - One of the leading cause of death in paediatric patients. In this program Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on the silent killer disease in children known as Pneumonia. In India almost every minute an infant dies due to pneumonia, and this is an issue that should not be taken lightly. In case of any fever with cough it is important that parents consult with their doctor and not treat the symptoms themselves. Dr. Malik e x p l a i n e d t h e s i g n s a n d s y m p t o m s o f pneumonia and how the disease can be prevented.
IBN-7 - 27th Nov. 2009, at 2:00-2:30pm
Growth of children - how to monitor and the remedies. On this program Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on the physical and mental growth of children. He stressed on the fact that both are interrelated. Children should take part in outdoor activities and eat a balanced diet which will help in physical growth and also in the development of the mind. He also touched upon some genetic disorders and the normal parameters of newborns like head circumference and chest measurements for detection of diseases in children.
SAHARA NCR – 22nd May 2010 at 5:00-5:30pm
Adverse effects of excessive exercise on children This program shed light on the damage that an aggressive physical exercise can have on children. Dr. Ravi Malik commented on the adverse effects of excessive physical exercise on growing bones of young children. In this talk he stressed on the fact that children should be encouraged to do age specific physical activity or exercise only.
INDIA TV- 27th Feb. 2012, at 12:00-12:30pm
Dangers and precautions of childhood swimming. There are many who wrongly believe that if a child is thrown in the deep end of a pool or in the sea, he or she will learn to swim and survive. This program focused on one such episode in Gujarat. Dr. Ravi Malik commented on the dangerous act of throwing children in water in order to teach them to swim. This is a very dangerous practice as infants and young children are not prepared for such an activity and they are suddenly thrown into strong current of water. Sometimes such an action may break the cervical spine leading to instant death.
INDIA TV- 28th May 2010, at 9:30-10:00pm
Dr. Ravi Malik
M.B.B.S., M.D. (Paed)
Sr. Child Specialist
Convener Medical Education, IMA-National
Asstt Secretery General, IMA-National
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