Friday, 30 August 2013

Dr, Ravi Malik CMD Malik Radix Healthcare

Licking of toys by toddlers can be dangerus due to intake of heavy elements like lead and murcury.   Toys that are made with materials unsafe for children can pose a threat to their health and safety. This was the focal point of the program. Dr. Ravi Malik commented on how a toy can be dangerous to a young baby if it isn’t chosen properly. Some toys that are available in the market are coated with chemicals which are bad for children’s health. Toys should also be age appropriate.

AAJ  TAK-  19th  June  2010,  at  9:00-

D i a b e t e s   i n   c h i l d r e n   -   c u r r e n t perspective. A panel discussion on Juvenile Diabetes (Type-I). Dr. Ravi Malik explained geographically distribution and hereditary factors of this form of diabetes, wherein the child is dependent on the injection of insulin. He also touched upon all aspect of juvenile diabetes  including  the  latest  insulin  pump, r e h a b i l i t a t i o n   o f   c h i l d r e n   a n d   r e l a t e d complications of the condition like retinopathy and nephropathy. Dr. Ravi Malik stressed on the utmost importance of early diagnosis of the disease and its management.

LOK SABHA T.V- 15th Dec. 2012, at

Excessive  TV  viewing  by  children  - posing health problems. In this program Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on excessive TV viewing by children. This practice affects children in many ways including setting a bad impression and  example  on  their  minds,  resulting  bad habits. Excessive TV viewing is also bad for health as it leads to loss of appetite, low vision, headache and lethargy. Dr. Malik also suggested precautions that can be followed by parents.

DELHI AAJ TAK – 2nd July 2011, at

Dr. Ravi Malik
M.B.B.S., M.D. (Paed)
Sr. Child Specialist
Convener Medical Education, IMA-National


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